Planning and choosing what type to plant is the hard part for sure. The key is to understanding what the annuals and perennials are, and then planting the ones that match your available sunlight and water requirements.
A greenhouse is a structure that creates a protected environment for plants to grow in, thus extending the productive lives of plants. A covered but sunny spot in your garden will be just perfect for planting. If you are not sure what will survive in a pot, experiment, or contact a local nursery to see if they can offer any other advice climate specific.
These grasses will begin to show growth once the ground temperature becomes stable and warm. You will enjoy how growing your own herbs transforms the delights of cooking. A house, a row of trees, a fence can all affect microclimates.
Weeding your garden is very important to its growth. There are many styles and products available to help you enjoy your patio and garden at the same time.